Frequently our clients want to use our expertise to create solutions for circumstances that do not require training interventions. Sometimes they just need a third party to collect data on organizational issues. As a result we offer the following services to help them diagnose what is occurring or solve the problem at hand.
Organizational Development
Do you want to know how strong your management team is? Do you want to implement a change program? Do you want to focus more on customers? Does your organizational culture support the future direction of your company?
Our team of associates will use a multi-faceted, theoretically-based approach to diagnose the problem and create the right initiative to deal with your pressing issue.
Employee Surveys
Looking for a way to determine why your team isn’t performing as well as they should? What about learning what customers really think about your organization?
We can create surveys that focus on your team’s effectiveness, customer satisfaction, organizational culture, employee attitudes, and training needs. We also coordinate, administer, analyze, and interpret the data from such surveys. Based on the survey data we will prepare a report summarizing conclusions and presenting recommendations. These surveys can now be administered over the Internet as well as paper based.
Focus Groups
Many times we create and conduct targeted focus group sessions to obtain live data on various topics for our clients. The focus groups enable us to ask more probing questions when a particular response deserves more attention. They allow us to drill down to the core of the issue. Detailed reports are prepared afterward that include conclusions, trends, and recommendations.