Nicholas J. Scalzo, Ed.D.
President, OnTrack Training
Dr. Nicholas J. Scalzo, the principal architect of OnTrack Training, completed his doctoral studies at The George Washington University’s Executive Leadership Doctoral Program and earned his degree in Human Resource Development, specializing in Counseling and Human and Organizational Studies (CHAOS). He earned his MBA at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and his undergraduate degree at St. John’s University.
He is co-author of Success Habits of Super Achievers (2020), and Resilience: Turning your Setback into a Comeback (2018). Both #1 Amazon Bestsellers. His presentation, “Stop, Look, Listen: Transforming Conflict into Positive Outcomes” (Orlando, July 2023), can be seen on ActioneraTV.
Dr. Scalzo’s dissertation research — Radical Organizational Change and Organizational Memory Systems — provides a blueprint for organizational leaders to follow to successfully implement change initiatives and has helped scholars and organizations understand how to preserve organizational memory and knowledge while navigating the seas of organizational change.
Dr. Scalzo is also an adjunct professor at the George Washington University, StonyBrook University, University of Maryland, and NYIT Graduate School of Management. He won Best Paper Award at the Conference on Corporate Communication in Wroxton, England and has published an article — Memory Loss? Corporate Knowledge and Radical Change (Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2006) — based on his research.
Dr. Scalzo’s previous work experience was with JP Morgan, Dime Savings Bank, National Securities Clearing Corporation, Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, and SUNY StonyBrook, where he had progressively increased responsibilities in Human Resources, Organizational Development, and Training.
Current and previous clients include, among others:
- JP Morgan
- Mobil Oil
- Kodak
- Pepsi
- ABC Television Broadcast and Engineering
- New York Power Authority (NYPA)
- Tech-Data Corporation
- Florida Community College of Jacksonville (FCCJ)
- International Association of Conference Centers (IACC)
- Vytra Healthcare
- Harrison Conference Centers
- Corporate Performance Consultants (CPC)
- Girl Scouts of Nassau County